WOW! I can't believe this is the first time that I have actually sat down and blogged anything on my Blog. I have been very busy with all my new learning-learning my new kids, learning 5th Grade FOCUS material, and learning how to teach EIP to my 2nd Graders. Where have the days gone.
4th Grade is off to a slow start but we are off an running. My 4th Graders have begun working on their bridges unit as well as learning about Reader's Theater and how a presentation is put together. We just finished our Simile writings inspired by the book My Dog is as Smelly as Dirty Socks. Great book if you have never read it. Students are working on creating their self to resemble their similes used to describe them.
5th Grade has been interesting. We started off using Similes to write about our selves: I Am Like..... and then we read the book The Quiet Place. Students have written about their quiet place using descriptive words/phrases. We have begun working on the Go With the Flow unit. We have talked about water conservation, water use in our homes as well as water and how it is treated. They kids liked doing the simulation of the dirty river. Next week we will begin talking about the oil spill and its effects.